Tips and Tricks for your Trip to Yellowknife

Tips and Tricks

Yellowknife is a unique small town in Canada’s far north, where the northern lights dance across the sky in vivid shades of blue, green, pink and yellow.

Take a Dog Sledding ride

Want to feel a little adrenaline rush? Book yourself a Dog Sledding ride, and enjoy the stunning scenery in the snow as you whizz around a perfect winter wonderland.  Expect to go around 20km per hour with an excitable pack of dogs – and the excitement is contagious!

Nothing will take you back in time like soaring across the vast open territory surrounding the Great Slave Lake, mushing behind a pack of powerful, stoic, and majestic animals.

Pack warm clothing – trust us!

You might think your average ski gear is all you’ll need to battle the minus temperatures in Yellowknife – but you couldn’t be further from the truth.  It’s just not adequate!  Since temperatures can hit the -30s, it’s best to rent extra gear when you’re there.  You’ll definitely need a jacket, gloves and pants so that you can face that wind chill head on.

Aurora Viewing in the Aurora Village

For a unique viewing experience, head over to the Aurora Village.  Here you can enjoy heated outdoor viewing seats that turn 360 degrees! This means you won’t miss a second of the lights!  There are also white teepees around the edge of the lake, equipped with wood stoves and hot drinks – this is one night you’ll remember.

Allow 3 to 5 days for your whole trip

To fully experience all that Yellowknife has to offer, you’ll want to plan at least a 3-5 day trip.  That gives you just enough time to relax, venture out Aurora Viewing and enjoy a couple other adventures.

Book a stay at Slave Lake Inn

The Slave Lake Inn Yellowknife hotel is within walking distance to many popular local attractions including Yellowknife Bay, Pilot’s Monument, and Old Town Glassworks. Here at the Slave Lake Inn Yellowknife, as the epicenter for your Yellowknife experience, your comfort is our top priority.


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